Argentinian Food

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By Jennifer Doll White
Argentina’s high-protein cuisine is sometimes said to resemble European cuisine-particularly Italian, Spanish and French varieties-rather than other Latin American gastronomy. This is partially due to the country’s great production of beef, which makes read meat a common ingredient. Grilled meat, called parrilla, and beef ribs are particularly common, but the Argentines do not let too much of the animal go to waste.
Sausage types consist of pork sausage (chorizo), blood sausage (morcilla), and chitterlings (chinchulines). The meat is often breaded and fried when served as something other than a main course. Milanesas, which are equivalent to schnitzel, and pastries stuffed with meat or other ingredients, are common appetizers. In the region of Patagonia, lamb and goat are eaten more than beef, and the entire animal is often placed on the asado for roasting.
Argentina has a diverse food selection. Sandwiches de miga consisting of white bread, cured meat, cheese and lettuce. Due to the abundance of wheat, pasta dishes are also common. Argentine pizza uses more dough than Italian pizza and more closely resembles a calzone than your average pizza pie. Fideos (noodles), tallarines (spaghetti), gnocchi, ravioli and cannelloni are among the types of Italian pasta consumed al dent
Chimichurri, a garlic-based herb sauce, is used to season steak and sausage. Argentina also harvests large amounts of wheat, with which Argentines make white bread and which serves as a frequent side dish. Other side dishes are usually fried or mashed potatoes, and vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, lettuce, eggplant, squash and zucchini.
For dessert, the sweet caramel paste dulce de leche is extremely popular, as are alfajores, which consist of two shortbread cookies joined by a dulce de leche paste or, less frequently, a fruit paste. Flan, churros, and alfajores pay testament to the Spanish influence over Argentine dessert. Germanic influences are apparent in the popularity of croissants or medialunas, or the friar’s balls and sauerkraut
About the Author: Jennifer White is a contributer writer for
– providing researched information on Argentine food and Latin American cuisine. Jennifer has been researching and studding Latin American cultures since 1988.
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