Quaker website editor launches music podcast programme

Friday, July 22, 2005 Simon Gray, Quaker website editor for the Friend and an organiser for the World Gathering of Young Friends today launched radio star one as a podcast linked to birmingham alive !, the Birmingham what’s on guide. “It’s an eclectic mix of jazz, world, electronic, classical, & folk”, he said, “perhaps in a […]

Saturn moon Enceladus may have salty ocean

Thursday, June 23, 2011 NASA’s Cassini–Huygens spacecraft has discovered evidence for a large-scale saltwater reservoir beneath the icy crust of Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The data came from the spacecraft’s direct analysis of salt-rich ice grains close to the jets ejected from the moon. The study has been published in this week’s edition of the journal […]

What Is High Blood Pressure And When Does It Take Place?}

Read An Opinion On: Ute Racks For Sale What is High Blood Pressure and When Does it Take Place? by Alvin Hopkinson In order to have a better understanding of what is high blood pressure, and how we can take appropriate actions to lower our high blood pressure, it is a must that we should […]

Glasgow cannabis enthusiasts celebrate ‘green’ on city green

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 Coinciding with Easter Sunday, Glasgow Cannabis Social Club’s annual 420 event was held on Glasgow Green, under sunny blue skies, and overlooking the river Clyde. Despite the city’s council attempting to revoke permission for the gathering at the last minute, police were happy for it to go-ahead with approximately a dozen […]

Apple releases iPhone SDK, announces upcoming update

Thursday, March 6, 2008 During a media event held at its Cupertino headquarters, Apple released the long awaited iPhones Software Development Kit (SDK) and the associated iTunes “App Store” and iPhone Developer Program. The SDK will allow third party software developers to create applications for the iPhone and then distribute them on the iTunes Apps […]

Forex Trading Tips

Read An Opinion On: Double Candlesticks Forex Trading Strategies Australia Forex Trading Tips by Mathy007 Easy Forex Trading Tips to become a Successful Trader Successful forex traders are those who understand the pulse of the forex markets and know how to play according to its rules. However, for every successful trader there are hundreds who […]

CBS Corporation begins trading on New York Stock Exchange

Friday, January 6, 2006 The new CBS Corporation began trading on the New York Stock Exchange once again on January 3 after officially finishing its split with Viacom two days earlier. The split had been in the works since around March 2005 when Viacom announced it was breaking into two publicly traded companies due to […]

Canada’s Etobicoke Centre (Ward 3) city council candidates speak

This exclusive interview features first-hand journalism by a Wikinews reporter. See the collaboration page for more details. Monday, October 30, 2006 On November 13, Torontoians will be heading to the polls to vote for their ward’s councillor and for mayor. Among Toronto’s ridings is Etobicoke Centre (Ward 3). One candidate responded to Wikinews’ requests for […]

Oil Production Balanced Scorecard

Read An Opinion On: Papua New Guinea Work Permits & Visa Agent By Sam Miller The complex business process of oil production gave rise to a newer concept of Balanced Scorecard in this industry. Balanced Scorecard, also known as BSC, is a performance assessment system to manage oil assets. A balanced scorecard, was developed by […]

Interview with Ton Roosendaal about Elephants Dream and free content movies

Sunday, May 21, 2006 Three days after the Internet release of the free content 3D short Elephants Dream (see Wikinews coverage), we exchanged e-mails with Ton Roosendaal about the reaction to the film, open source filmmaking, and the changes to Blender that resulted from the production. Ton Roosendaal is the lead developer of the Blender […]