Ear Micro: A Glimpse into the World of Microtia Ear micro, often referred to as “microtia,” is a congenital disorder where the external ear is underdeveloped. The word ‘microtia’ itself is derived from the Greek words ‘micro’ and ‘otia’ that translate to ‘small ear.’ This condition can affect one or both ears, varying from mild […]
Understanding Asymmetry: Why is One of My Ears Bigger Than the Other? Human bodies are not perfectly symmetrical. If you look closely, you’ll notice that one side of your face does not mirror the other exactly. This is perfectly normal, and it applies to all parts of the body, including the ears. This article explores […]
A Comprehensive Overview of Low Set Ears in Infants Ear shape and placement might be the last detail on the mind of expecting parents. However, certain anomalies, such as ‘low set ears infant‘, can denote potential health concerns. To fully comprehend the implications, an understanding of what constitutes low set ears is necessary. Low set […]
From time to time, nature presents us with unique diversities that challenge the norms of ideal size, shape or color. An example of such a peculiarity is ‘very small ears‘, a condition medically known as Microtia. Microtia, literally meaning ‘little ear’, is a congenital deformity where the external ear is underdeveloped, or in severe instances, […]