Creation Vs Evolution The Fossil Record

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Creation vs Evolution the Fossil Record
Evidence is just not what we have been told when it comes to the theory of evolution. In the creation vs. evolution debate, nothing contradicts evolution like the fossil record.
Most of us have been told that the evidence found in the fossil record supports Darwin’s theory. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fossil record, in fact, is the worst endorsement for evolution in the creation vs. evolution debate. How is this possible? Our teachers have taught us that the fossil record shows the ‘pathway’ of evolution. The fossils that are essential to give credence to the theory of evolution are ‘intermediate fossils’. This would be the ‘in-between’ fossils that show us the steps of evolution between one kind of creature and another. If horses had evolved from dogs, for instance, then there should be many ‘dorse’ fossils found in various parts of the earth. Unless we can see a large number of these types of fossils (millions of these should have been discovered) throughout the world, then there are zero hardcore facts in the fossil record that any evolutionary process ever occurred. This does not seem to be good for evolutionists in the creation vs. evolution argument. Unfortunately for evolutionists, no intermediate fossil has ever been found. Exactly zero have ever been verified in the last 150 years. (Whale evolution has been used lately, but this example is rife with scientific problems). The intermediate fossils of the past are now nothing more than just fossils of extinct creatures and nothing more. The archaeopteryx was considered to be one of these in-between fossils. This was a bird with claws on its wings. Many evolutionists figured that this was an intermediate form between reptiles and birds. It was revealed that this creature was found in a layer where birds already existed. This creature turned out to be nothing more than an extinct bird. No ‘in-between’ fossils are left that can be used as an example. None. But we are constantly told that there is.. The evidence in the creation vs. evolution argument is missing for the evolutionists (although the textbooks do not admit this fact). Even Charles Darwin admitted that if no intermediate fossils were discovered, his theory was useless. There was one thing that he did admit: evidence did not support his theory, yet. (But he was very confident that it would in the near future) After 150 years and billions of fossils, none of these fossils can be verified to support evolution. Creationists, in contrast, have continuously proclaimed that the fossil record should show certain kinds of creatures with huge gaps in between each kind. This is exactly what the record shows by looking at the fossils. Unfortunately for those that believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution, the fossil record does not seem to support the theory.. The evidence in the creation vs. evolution debate clearly supports creationists in regard to the fossil record. Until intermediate fossils are discovered to support Darwin’s theory, it would seem that the fossil record is definitely in favor of creation.
Next: learn how the
creation vs evolution
debate favors creationism in numerous scientific laws and principles. The scientific facts seem to only get worse for those that believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution. Also: Did humans live with dinosaurs?
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Creation vs Evolution the Fossil Record