It S Not What You Know But Who You Know To Make Money Online

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Submitted by: Carol King
Do you want to start your own online business? Do you long to fire your boss? If you answer yes to these questions then you are probably in the same boat I was in not too long ago.
Most likely you have spent many hours online searching the Internet for ways to make money. Most likely you have purchased many ebooks and programs. You have probably signed up for numerous schemes and courses just trying to figure out how to start earning a living on the Internet. Maybe you have begun many programs telling yourself that this is the ONE. This is how I will strike it rich you tell yourself. You follow the system word for word, you do every single thing you are told to do, you spend hours maybe even days signing up at all the sites you are directed to. Then you sit back and congratulate yourself for a job well done. As far as you are concerned it will only be a matter of days before the money starts rolling in.
This is when the trouble starts. Patiently you sign into your account every day waiting to see words like Congratulations you have made a sale. Or you log into your online account hoping to see that the 0 s have turned to numbers. Unfortunately it does not happen. But you don t mind because soon you will be swimming in cash. You keep checking for a few more days, nothing has changed. That s ok you say, Rome was not built in a day, I cannot expect to become rich overnight these things take time. So you continue the waiting game.
Finally after a month maybe even two, you are about to check your stats one morning and it hits you like a ton of bricks. Ohmygod. There is a sudden flash of realization, you try to push it to the back of your mind because you really don t want to believe it, but finally you are forced to say the words out loud. I will never make any money following the directions I have been given. How do you feel about this. You feel robbed, cheated, tricked, hoodwinked. In a word my friend, you were scammed.
One of the biggest challenges faced by people trying to start a home business online is finding useful, truthful, currant information. There are literally thousands of websites out there telling you how to make money. Unfortunately far to many of them are offering outdated, regurgitated rubbish.
How do you find your way? Who do you trust? Well, to tell you the truth it takes a great deal of trial and error. I have purchased many books and schemes trying to find out just that. Fortunately after spending a great deal of both money and time I found out that there are some people you can trust. There are many real people out there who have become very successful and who genuinely want to help you and I become successful too. It s just a matter of finding them.
I am writing this article for these reasons.
1. I hate con artists.
2. I believe everyone deserves a chance.
3. No one should have to waste his or her hard earned money the way I did.
4. I want people to know that not everyone will scam them.
On the World Wide Web there are plenty of hard working men and women who have real tangible knowledge and are more than happy to share it with you. Some of this information is completely free. Some of it you will have to pay for, but if you are anything like me you will not mind paying for quality useful information. Information that will help you to succeed.
Ewen Chia is one of the knowledgeable highly respected persons that I have encountered online. In fact he is know in some circles as the Affiliate Marketers Affiliate Marketer. If affiliate marketing is something you have been considering then Ewen is your man. Although, this type of marketing is not his only area of expertise. He is one of the best. If you happen to come across any of his websites I am sure you will be as impressed as I was.
Stone Evans, known as The Home Biz Guy. Again, he is extremely successful and one of those persons who is always willing to help. You can search some article sites to get free information on various aspects of Internet marketing from Stone.
Marc and Terry Goldman are considered two of the Internets foremost authorities on joint venture marketing.
Dr Joe Vitale is the author of several number 1 best selling ebooks including (in my humble opinion) an absolute gem of a book about writing profit pulling advertisements and websites.
Jason Mangrum. My hero. This guy is not yet 25 years old but he amongst the very best Internet marketers.
Last but by not means least.
Jeff Paul and Jim Fleck. You may have seen these guys advertisements on television. They are the real deal. Between them they have developed some of the most successful money making tools, systems and techniques available in the industry to date.
There you have it. Now, do not get me wrong this list is by no means complete, I could go on and on for quite some time, naming people and programs that I know will help you in your endeavor to quit your day job. But there is only so much I can write in one article. I will endeavor in the near future to continue this list to help you discover some of the Internets most powerful profit pulling people.
My dream is to help make the Internet a place where regular down to earth folks, who are interested in developing a business online, can come and obtain real systems and real information that will help all to become successful internet marketers.
About the Author: Join the thousands of people who have succeeded in their online home business ventures. Become a part of the
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