Mind Power Get What You Want By Harnessing Your Subconscious Mind

Submitted by: Penny Lane
Everybody has different ambitions and desires. You want to have a good career, and become a personal injury lawyer or a personal injury attorney. Others might be interested in getting a better job, a better house or a better relationship.
A lot of people tend to become frustrated or depressed when they do not get what they wished for. However, it is no use sitting gloomily about your failures. You need to do something, and let that something arrive from your mind.
You do not realize this, but your mind power is a strong force that you have within. Moreover, you can use this power to make your dreams turn into reality. By using your subconscious brain, you can actually make your wishes come true. Here s the key:
Writing has an important role in letting your brain focus on what it sees. One way to let your brain power control your dreams, is to write them down on a sticky note and tape it around different places you frequently visit.
You may write down your end goal and stick it on your bathroom mirror, on your refrigerator, and keep one in your pocket. Whatever you do, just make sure that you read it and come across it during most hours of your day.
When you are writing your dreams down, make sure you use the present tense. Write I am , instead of I will . Feel your goal within you and make yourself believe that it is true.
Another thing that you must keep in mind while writing, is to use positive words and phrases. Sentences might not seem negative at first. However, their overall effect might appear to be negative.
Let us say your goal is to buy a bigger house. Do not write sentences like, I am not going to live in a small house anymore , or I am going to live in a bigger house . These sentences might seem positive; however they are framed as negative ones. Moreover, the way a sentence is framed in the subconscious part of your brain determines what you are going to see in future.
Other than writing your dreams down, you should also repeat aloud what you have written. This involves the sense of hearing in your task. The more senses you involve, the better it is. With your vocalization operating in the task, you are going to trigger your brain to a further degree.
Involve emotions in the mission. Including an emotional word or phrase is going to be more effective. You might be writing something that is apparently not true. This will trigger an emotional response in you, and will move you further towards your goal.
For instance, you might write down, I live in a beautiful apartment . Looking at your apartment, you know this is not true. When you get emotional about it, you are going to strive hard to get a beautiful apartment.
A lot of other measures can be taken to make your mind power strong enough to win your dreams. However, the basic key is to stay happy and positive. Moreover, do not expect things to be on your side overnight. Every process will take time until you can achieve your targets.
About the Author: Penny Lane recently reviewed the work of a
Des Moines personal injury attorney
to review the effectiveness of their work. She hired a
Des Moines personal injury lawyer
to seek compensation from a recent automobile accident.
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