Why Is Fm Radio Using Analog Technology?

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Submitted by: Jack Wylde
Radio is one of the oldest technologies in the world. It is used in all the regions of the world with insignificant differences in frequency modulation but the core principle of its technology remains the same. FM radio has become a part of mobile sets today which highlights its high use in our daily lives. However, it is unfortunate to mention that despite having consistent changes in technology all around us in every field and every invention, even in those which came after the radio, like broadcasting has moved from analog to digital in television; it has not had any specific worth mentioning technology up-gradation. The question that pops up now is; why has radio not been upgraded to digital technology?
The answer lies in the fact that we use radio spectrum for digital video broadcasting in television. These radio frequency spectra are used to transmit digital multiplex, which is a bundle of various television channels and other services by using 6-8 MHZ of bandwidth. Obviously, in terms of usage, digital broadcasting in television is making more efficient use of radio frequency spectrum as compared to analog broadcasting, which used the same bandwidth to broadcast only one program. This justifies the change in technology. At this important to mention that radio technology can be moved from analog to digital but it will take years to switch and grand scale technological preparations to make it happen.
To make analog FM switch to digital broadcasting, there are various aspects of technology that should be catered to. For instance, the new technology should offer great sound quality, excellent reception and wider capacity to broadcast more radio channels which in turn will make more efficient use of radio spectrum. And there are many good quality sound devices, having good reception sound broadcasting technologies available today for instance, T-DAB, DRM+, DVB-T, DRM and DVB-T2; but none is good enough to replace the analog radio broadcasting and match to its performance.
FM radio employs 250 kHz bandwidth with spacing of 100 and 200 kHz, varying as per the region. It is because of this changed combination of bandwidth and spacing that switching from analog to digital in radio broadcasting would be difficult. Hence, we have to remain contented with the analog radio transmission unless the sophistication of the technology rises!
It should be realized that desiring a change or up-gradation in technology does not only require determination, but there are many other technical aspects, which dictate the ability of technology to get upgraded. Along with huge finances, consistent efforts spread over a long period of time and undying determination, you have to have a reality check. There is no point in getting more sophisticated technology if it makes operations more difficult to handle, rather than making them easy. Same is the case with radio technology; we surely want to have digital broadcasting but with the current level of technology, it will not be wise to switch from analog to digital.
About the Author: The author is an experienced writer for consumer electronic product reviews and shares the
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